Our only HOPE is in the Lord Jesus Christ!

“For God has not given us the Spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7


If you died today, where will you spend eternity?       

For you see,  everyone has an eternity. The choice is ours. 

Heaven or Hell

    If you do not know for sure, please talk with the Lord.       You will be glad you did!

Lord Jesus,  I am a sinner. I believe that You died on the Cross for me and shed Your Precious Blood for the forgiveness of my sins.  I believe that on the third day, You rose from the dead and went to Heaven to prepare a place just for me.  Come into my life, Lord Jesus, and set me free from my sins.  I accept You as my personal Lord and Savior and my Friend.   Because You are my Savior,

"I shall not die, but have everlasting Life."

Thank You, Lord Jesus!

Now tell someone of your decision!